
Practical Supervisory Skills


This course is uniquely designed to cover the 3 Cs of Supervision namely: Communication, Coaching and Consequence Management. Participants will undergo various diagnostic instruments to discover their attributes and preferences. More importantly they are brought to a realization that others are different, therefore, the role of supervising and managing people becomes a real challenge.

photo-53-pm2The PSS1 Class of Oct 2016 was an awesome group as evidenced by their energy, speed and creativity. They were young, enterprising and participated actively in role plays and group discussions. Most of them discovered that they were kinesthetic and global in terms of learning & information processing styles. As far as communication skills are concerned, they are generally weaker at listening and they respond to others by asking questions. Although Searching is a more positive communication style, an overdose can turn it into an interrogation.

The photos show the 4 groups, code-named Shiiok, Peace, PDP-King and Lulian led by Madli, Murshyidi, David and Ooi respectively. The video was taken during the team preparation for the coaching role play. They had lots of laughter and fun.

This is the essence of GTG corporate training classes, we believe that training must be relevant and enjoyable so as to achieve win-win results for the organization as well as the individuals.
